Growth Points acquired by getting lucky on a roll do not count toward that maximum, and will be added after tallying all other growth points.Ī band of bandits, formerly of guild affiliation, has return to the area and begun harassing trade and travellers. Some tasks have additional rules, which apply only to this specific task. Fit status is provided after Daily Reset. Adventurers can take tasks up to one rank higher above their rank, if they are considered Fit, unless otherwise indicated.
Players can delegate reporting their completed tasks to another player's report, so long as all parties agree in character inside the Free Interactions thread. E rank is 200 words, D and C rank are 700 words, B and A rank are 1150 words, S rank and above have a minimum word count of 2000. Each rank has a total word count minimum for all tasks taken within the rank. Reports on a particular day's tasks can only be submitted before the Daily Reset at 12 AM UTC+0. Reports are considered separate from other roleplay, and are used to tally Growth Points. Report the completion of Daily Tasks here in a single post, which quotes only the tasks that have been completed by the character during the day. Main Thread | Task Board | Freeform RP | Tavern